


"Munchie Freeman"      ||      "Delsie Ann Dobbs"
1991-2017                       1924-2020

Delce 1924 is dedicated to my great-grandmother, Delsie Ann Dobbs.

Delsie Ann Dobbs was the epitome of a courageous Black woman. Born on March 14, 1924, Delsie later became the matriarch of a beautiful loving family. Enduring the trials of life, Delsie planted many seeds that later flourished resulting from her undeniable faith. One thing Delsie cherished was her gardens- a physical garden and a garden of life. In both gardens, seeds were planted and nourished. Both gardens experienced moments of despair. Delsie's faith easily brought her gardens back to life. Sunny days, rainy days, and droughts were all experienced-still resulting in a beautiful garden.

A rose is a symbolic image that I used to represent and honor my beautiful great-grandmother. A rose typically represents beauty, courage, and love. Delsie's beautiful, courageous soul produced a family full of love. Although a rose is known for its beautiful rose petals, on the stems lie thorns. These thorns represent the trials she faced in her life of 95 years. These thorns didn't stop the production of the beautiful flower-as Delsie's trials didn't stop her from being a beautiful person inside and out. She presented us with petals of life; all petals led to a delightful rose. Each petal was then passed on from generation to generation. She taught us to persevere through life and remain hopeful. Nothing was impossible in the eyes of Delsie. She wanted us to dream big regardless of the circumstances we faced. She taught us that nothing was impossible with God on our side. She would always say, "God, he's a good un." She created a faith foundation that was embedded in all the later generations. I pray that my great grandmother's inspiration continues to spread throughout the world.

Thorns don't stop a beautiful production.